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Társasági események Budapesten
Social Events in Budapest

Társasági eseményeket szervezünk és Budapesten zajló angol nyelvű programok részleteiről nyújtunk információt.

We organize social and business events and provide details of other English language events in Budapest.

LBS -     



We have our own facebook page to keep you in touch with English speaking events in and around Budapest and news about the school and its teachers.

Caledonia Scottish Bar and Restaurant, Mozsar u.9, Ker VI, Budapest. It has a great range of Scottish beers and English Ciders. It also has an excellent menu of British and Hungarian Cuisine. The Caledonia hold many events of its own, including a quiz on the first Thursday of every month. LBS uses the venue for some of its events and lessons. Map

LBS LogoLBS (Little Britain Services Kft) has a meet-up group which meets at the Caledonia on a few Thursdays during the year. The purpose of the group is so non-students can meet a few of the LBS teachers and discuss topics in English. Check our facebook page for details.

Budapest Bookworms is a group that chat about books on facebook in English. They have a book of the month and hold regular meetings. Its membership includes some of the LBS team, but it is not exclusive to LBS students or teachers and it is free to join.

Mary Murphy is an Irish writer and public speaker based in Hungary. She writes and talks about her many travel experiences and in particualr reflects on her travels and life in Budapest. She has allowed LBS to use a number of her articles for its lessons and we highly recommend her entertaining style of writing. Keep up with Mary on Unpacking my 'bottom drawer' in Budapest.

The Budapest Exiles R.F.C. is an international rugby club with players from many different countries, speaking many different languages and from all walks of life.

Budapest's only rugby team, currently playing in Hungarian Extra League division. The Exiles is a welcoming mix of Hungarians and expat nationals looking for new players of any experience.

David Wilkinson produces high quality British style sausages in Budapest for home delivery. Made in Hungary in a state of the art facility, with grade A pork and a meat content of 85%. They are made fresh to order and delivered straight to your door. Ideal for bangers and mash, barbecuing or a whole range of recipes. He also supplies beefburgers, with a 100% beef content.   

English Language Comedy at Brody Studios

Vörösmarty utca 38, Budapest

We bring you a special deal on English language comedy at Brody Studios in Budapest. We offer LBS students and staff 1000 HUF per person discount off the normal price for each show. To make of your reservation for the next show complete the form below.

Please book at least two full days before the show to make a discounted reservation.

Next Show: 


WEDNESDAY 12 October 2016
- 8 PM

Tickets must be booked in advance –

LBS Students and Staff tickets are just 2500 HUF per person complete the form below and pay for your tickets when you arrive. No on the door sales are permitted.

For others contact 2.500 HUF per person for Brody members, 3.500 HUF for non-members.