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LBS (English)
Hungarian Lessons
Silver Premium - az 50 év fölöttiek
Little Britain Arcai / Faces
LBS Test

English Test

To help us find the right class for you we would like to give you an assessment. This consists of completing the test below which covers questions from starter to advanced levels. It should take you around 50/60 minutes and we will follow it with a face to face or skype interview. We will then be able to place you on the right course.

Please complete the test yourself. Please don't ask others for help.

Szintfelmérő teszt

Ahhoz, hogy az Ön számára legmegfelelőbb kurzust tudjuk ajánlani, szeretnénk felmérni a nyelvtudását. A szintfelmérő írásbeli része az itt következő teszt, mely kezdő szinttől felsőfokig  tartalmaz feladatokat. A tesztet körülbelül 50-60 perc alatt kell tudni kitölteni. A teszt után következik a beszédkészség felmérése, egy elbeszélgetés angolul, ami személyesen, vagy skype-on történik. Miután automatikusan megkaptuk a tesztjét, emailt írunk, melyben meg tudjuk beszélni, milyen időpontban lehet a szóbeli elbeszélgetésre eljönni.

Kérjük, egyedül, mindenféle segítség nélkül töltse ki a tesztet.

Questions 1 to 9 : Choose the sentence with the correct form.
Válassza ki a nyelvtanilag helyes mondatot!

Questions 10 to 33
: Choose the word or phrase (from four choices) which best completes each sentence. A négy felsorolt szó vagy kifejezés közül válassza ki a mondatba illőt!

Questions 34 to 40
:   Comprehension         
Read the following article and then answer the questions 34 to 40.  Choose from the five people (A—E)  which person best fits the question.
34-40. kérdés: szövegértés Olvassa el a következő cikket, és válaszoljon a 34-40. kérdésekre. Válassza ki az öt személy közül (A-E), kire illik leginkább a kérdés.

What are the things you can't do without when you go away?  

A. Patrick Lichfield
, the photographer, never goes far without the Olympus Pearlcorder dictating machine which lets him catch up with his correspondence wherever he is. The tiny tapes are either posted to his secretary, Felicity, or he gives them to someone to bring back. The quality is very good but there are often some interesting background noises.  

B. Mel Caiman
, the cartoonist, jokes about filling his suitcase with tranquillisers and three different kinds of toothbrushes after recent, expensive dental treatment, but it is his diary and sketch-book that are always with him when he is on the move. ‘I don't keep a diary except when I'm away. I start a new one each trip now since I lost irreplaceable notes on two previous trips on a bus in the States’.  

C. Richard Branson
, who launched Virgin Atlantic Airways, believes in travelling light. ‘Suntan lotion for my nose and my notebooks which are my lifeline’. But I will always sling in a pack of cards. I love a game of cards, particularly bridge, canasta or spades, but I'm not a gambler.'  

D. Barry Norman
, the film critic, never travels anywhere without his credit card. The days of anyone being stranded abroad are now over. I remember once, before credit cards were common, the Daily Mail sent me to Italy at a moment's notice. It was a bank holiday, I had no money and the banks were shut. There I was in Milan on a beautiful sunny day sitting in my hotel because it was the only place I could eat or drink because I could sign for it.'  

E. Frank Muir
, the TV scriptwriter and humorist, never sets off on a journey without packing his Swiss army penknife. 'It does everything,' he says. 'It has about 140 things that come out. It opens bottles, gets things out of horses' hooves; it has scissors, screwdrivers and tweezers. I never go anywhere without it and I have never used it.'

Questions 41 to 50   Comprehension

Read the text and then answer questions 41 to 50:

41-50. kérdés: szövegértés   
Olvassa el a szöveget, és válaszoljon a 41-50. kérdésekre.

FRIDAY, Sept 28. Alice Maude Barrett, 67, got up at 7.30 a.m. as usual. She had her usual breakfast - a cup of tea and a bread roll. She browsed through her Mirror as usual.

Then she did her washing. Not a lot of it to do - only her bits and pieces. She did it by hand. She only uses the machine once a fortnight to save on electricity. She hung the washing out to dry in the yard behind her council maisonette. 'Gives the sheets a nice airing.' Then she took Thumper the dog out for his walkies and popped into the Co-op as usual to do her shopping. Most mornings she pops into the Co-op. On this particular Friday she bought half a dozen eggs and half a pond of lard.

Back at her flat she dusted around and made her bed and fried up sausages and chips for her dinner. Then she and Thumper had an afternoon snooze in the armchair until it was time for him to have another walk. Then home to do the ironing. Daughter Annie came round to bring her mum cabbages and carrots. Annie works on a farm.

Then, as usual on a Friday, Alice Maude Barrett, who prefers to be called Maudie, washed and dressed and went to bingo, her favourite thing next to watching snooker on TV. Back home just after 10 p.m., watch telly for an hour and bed at 11.15. That's how last Friday ended for Maudie.  

Alice Maude Barrett will never again in her life have a normal, ordinary Friday.

On Saturday morning Alice Maude Barrett, aged 67, divorced, mother of five daughters, grandmother of ten great kids, stared at her Mirror and it began to dawn on her that she might, just might, have got the numbers right on her Who Dares Wins Win a £Million card. She took a swallow of tea and rang Annie. Annie yawned and went back to sleep. But by six on Saturday evening there wasn't any doubt. Maudie was a millionaire. Alice Maude Barrett lives in a council flat on social security.

The new millionaire came round to my place yesterday for a nice little talk and a cuppa to celebrate. Tea is what she prefers. She is a very quiet person. Shy. A bit nervous. 'Well you would be, wouldn't you?' she said. 'You can't take it in, can you? I’m only worried about one thing; how will I be able to go to bingo now? 'What'll they all think? Suppose I won. I don't want to give up the bingo and all my friends.’